Physical Therapy
Monday - Friday from 6:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Closed: All Federal Holidays and Selected Training Holidays
Outpatient Services: 719-526-7120
Outpatient Services: 719-526-7956
Post-Op Services: 719-524-6490
Physical Therapy
Woods Soldier Family Care Center (SFCC)
1650 Cochrane Cir
BLDG 7503 , Third Floor , Room 3200
Fort Carson, Colorado 80913
Once Inside
The Physical Therapy Clinic is located on the third floor of the WSFCC. Patients should park in the “G” parking lot (purple signs) just east of the WSFCC; enter the main east entrance and go up the main staircase or take the elevators on the right to the third floor. Turn left from the stairs or right from the elevator to the Pt Clinic – which is on the east end of the building.