Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through March 31, 2025. Learn More.  Also, you have until Feb. 28 to set up your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.   

About Us

          Soldier Recovery Unit


     LTC Leon Satchell                    CSM Robert Hoffenbacker
     SRU Commander                      SRU Command Sergeant Major

Our Mission 

The Fort Carson Soldier Recovery Unit (SRU) enhances the readiness of the 4ID/Fort Carson Team by providing mission command, primary care, and case management for Soldiers in Recovery to establish conditions for healing and promote the timely transition back to the force or civilian life.


At the Soldier Recovery Unit (formerly the Warrior Transition Battalion or WTB) we take care of our nation's ill, injured, and wounded Soldiers by providing them with outstanding medical care, advocacy, and leadership.

Our goal is to successfully transition the Army's most seriously ill and injured Soldiers back to the force and/or to Veteran status through a comprehensive program of medical care, rehabilitation, professional development, and achievement of personal goals.

To be successful in this mission, we implemented the triad of care concept, ensuring that each Soldier's nurse case manager, primary care manager (medical provider) and squad leader meet and communicate on an official basis to ensure the best possible transition. We also work with each Soldier to establish comprehensive transition plans, allowing them to create their own transition goals resourced by the SRU.

Our innovative programs and comprehensive care continue to evolve to meet the physical, emotional, and intellectual health needs of our Soldiers of all components, whether they are active duty, Army National Guard or Army Reserve Soldiers. Our SRU staff is a diverse team of medical experts, social workers, leadership, and more who work together to create a holistic healing environment for Soldiers.

Entry Criteria

Eligible for SRU Entry:

 -  Soldier has a profile with an expected duration of 6 months or more
 -  Soldier has duty limitations that prevent the Soldier from contributing to their Unit’s mission
 -  The complexity of the Soldier’s condition requires complex OR high-risk clinical case management
Ineligible for SRU Entry:
 -  Soldiers already in IDES (Exception to Policy possible on a case-by-case basis)
 -  Soldiers with a non-transferrable flag or pending UCMJ
Company leadership must submit an entry packet to the SRU for approval by the Triad of Leadership (TOL). The TOL decides which Soldiers meet entry criteria to enter the SRU by reviewing the “TOL Packet” submitted by Company leadership.

Life in the SRU
All Soldiers assigned to the SRU attend medical appointments, participate in the Adaptive Reconditioning Program, and take an active role in the Comprehensive Recovery Plan (CRP).

Once a Soldier reaches their Medical Retention Determination Point (MRDP), the Soldier’s status is updated to either Return to Duty or Veteran Track. Return to Duty Soldiers focus on participating in Physical Training and retraining/re-certifying their MOS skills. Veteran Track Soldiers focus on a successful transition to veteran status. These Soldiers participate in the Career and Education Readiness Program, which consists of civilian education, internships, resume building, apprenticeships, and other job opportunities.

SRU Triad of Leadership (TOL) Entry Packet
Please see the Resources on the right-hand column for the SRU Entry Packets Part I and II with complete instructions for completion. Please note these are PDF Portfolios and all applicable attachments are located in the same PDF.
Once the packet is complete, please return it by email to our SRU. You can find applicable contact details in the packets.  The acceptance process can take an average of 14 days from receipt of a complete packet. A memorandum of acceptance or ineligibility will be sent to the Soldier’s Commander from the SRU S1.


Contact Us


Building 7494
1665 Cochrane Circle
Fort Carson, CO 80913

Hours of Operation:

Monday-Friday 0800-1600


Front Office: 719-526-1301
Operations: 719-524-5943
Staff Duty: 719-526-6234
SRU CDR: 719-526-9799
SRU CSM: 719-524-4833
DET CDR: 719-728-0880
DET 1SG: 719-460-3067



Download Packets here
Fort Carson SRU TOL Entry Packet Part I for Active Duty
Fort Carson SRU TOL Entry Packet Part II for Active Duty

Open Door Policy

SRU Commander Open Door Policy

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!